
Go (also known as Golang) is an open source programming language used to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

What is Golang?

Go (also known as Golang) is an open source programming language developed by Google. Go is a statically typed, compiled language like C++ that boasts the user friendliness of dynamically typed, interpreted languages like Python. Concurrent, garbage-collected, and designed for scale, Go is a programming language made for building large-scale, complex software.

Key features of Golang:
  • Multi-paradigm
  • C-inspired syntax
  • Simplicity and Consistency
  • Compiled
  • Concurrency
  • Standard library
  • Fast and Lightweight

Why Golang?

The excellent features that Golang has to offer make it stand out from the rest of the others.
Simplicity and Consistency
Go is a relatively simple language and is designed with a very minimalistic approach. Go does not support generics, although it is strongly and statically typed. It is done to keep the language simple and to avoid complexity. The standard library is exemplary and the packages are consistent.
Go offers some great concurrency primitives and makes it extremely easy to implement a concurrent system. One of Go’s biggest selling points is that it supports two features that make concurrency easy out of the box: goroutines and channels.
C-inspired syntax
Go’s syntax is reminiscent of the C family, but simplified with only 25 keywords, the ability to parse without type information/symbol tables, and a Pascal-like declaration scheme.
Goroutines and channels
Goroutines are functions that can run concurrently with others methods and functions. A channel is a mechanism for goroutines to synchronize execution and communicate by passing values.

What else with Golang?


Go generates binaries for your applications complete with all dependencies. No interpreters or runtime installations required.

Type Safety

Go is a statically typed language that supports type safety hence errors are caught by the compiler before execution.

Standard library

Go has a powerful standard library of packages to support the development of Go programs.

Garbage collection

Go sports low-latency garbage collector for automatic memory management that is both efficient and concurrent.

Things we do

Hire dedicated professional developers of Golang from Codeplus.
Microservice Development
Backend Development
API Development and Integration
Support & Maintenance

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